Sean Field
CEO, Xmed
With more than 30 years of global business management experience, Sean is a highly accomplished entrepreneur and corporate professional with expertise in organizational leadership, general management, commercialization, product development, product support, and project management. He has put his expertise to work in the highly competitive industries of human and veterinary medicine with successes in medical software, tele-medicine, medical devices, and connectivity and information management solutions. Other successes have come in capital equipment manufacturing and innovative corporate and consumer product solutions. Sean has also had success as a key opinion leader, collaborating ideas and creating solutions in many different markets and segments. He thrives on consistently utilizing his expertise in instrumentation, software, manufacturing, and team-building to create innovative and dynamic cross-functional organizations to facilitate individual team-member growth and group success while ensuring major business objectives are met and expected shareholder value is created.
Outside of his work, Sean is an avid adventurer with interest is boating/sailing, scuba diving, skiing, physical fitness and expedition travel. He also enjoys providing significant time to local and global charitable organizations in both official and volunteer capacities.